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Experts by Experience


Juno homes are designed by care-experienced young people to be places they would love to live in, and the Juno staff are hired with care-experienced young people.


In short, Experts by Experience are a core part of the Juno team, their experience shapes the thinking and decisions across all parts of the organisation.

Our Experts by Experience

Juno was born out of the views and insights shared by care-experienced young people in 2020. Since then, we’ve remained committed to spending a lot of time talking, sharing, thinking (and rethinking) about what great quality care looks like with care-experienced people, and initially set up an informal group of Young Leaders, who have worked really hard alongside staff to help us make critical decisions about our plans, our people and our homes. We believe it’s the right time to take this engagement work to the next level, and we are recruiting a team of Experts by Experience.


The group is working alongside the Juno staff team across all key areas of the project, to make sure our work is informed by their insights and experiences.


Here's how we work together:

  • An informal setup, with a welcoming atmosphere and space to focus on their areas of passion


  • Experts by Experience have lots of input into how the sessions are run and the shared priorties


  • The group is boosted by  training from the Juno team so that everyone can develop new skills


  • Experts by Experience have real weight in decision-making; their views and insights must have a real impact and we need to make sure we’re clear about what they can and can’t affect from the start


  • Juno regularly reports back about what we have done

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We want more voices on this project - particularly those who have experienced residential care - so we can hear different perspectives. So, if you're a care-experienced young person and would like to join the Juno Experts by Experience, we'd love to hear from you. Register your interest using this form.

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Watch this video to find out more about the group on our Facebook page

What sort of things are our Experts by Experience involved in?

Working alongside the Juno team and the Board to design how best to include and involve young people in formal governance processes. Developing a long-term young people’s engagement plan for Juno 

Taking part in Juno’s recruitment campaign and being involved in the selection process.

Working with the home team to make decisions about the planning and design of the Juno homes

​What do our they get in return?

​Compensation at national living wage levels for all participation (except for fun days out and social events which will be paid for by Juno and voluntary to attend) 


Great quality training and real responsibility so that time spent supporting Juno offers skills and experience beneficial for our lives outside of the group 


Really good communication and support in and outside of the group so that everyone feels clear about what’s happening, what’s expected of each other, and how we can best deliver on our roles. 

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